Mark Billingham and Paul Cleave - Now in Polish! cover image

Mark Billingham

Mark Billingham is a comedian, actor and novelist and has topped the charts with his ever popular book series Tom Thorne, wherein the story follows the Detective Inspector Tom Thorne on his various cases, and he is often accompanied by a twisted and dark sense of humor. So if you like humor, thrills and terror, this is a series for you!

Tom Thorne

  • #1 Kokon
  • #2 Mięczak
  • #3 Ofiary
  • #4 Podpalona
  • #5 Zapomniani
  • #6 Uprowadzony
  • #7 Mściciel
  • #8 Naśladowca

Don’t worry, we are still working on releasing the rest of the series! #9 is coming on the 5th of January!

Paul Cleave

Paul Cleave is an international bestselling author, who writes crime thrillers centered around his hometown Christchurch, New Zealand. And now his novels are also coming out in Polish! The environment is always the same, but that only makes it that much more terrifying as you get accustomed to the surroundings, yet nothing ever seems the same. If you love familiarity, unique plots and crime novels, get these as Christmas gifts!

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