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Jentas has published Paul’s books in the Christchurch Noir-series and we are now ready with the first English-edition audio book. It will be out this fall and we are sure it will be just as well-received as his other books have been here in Denmark.

Most people come back from New Zealand talking about the the breathtaking scenery and the amazing experiences. I came back raving about Paul Cleave. These are stories that you won’t forget in a while: relentlessly gripping, deliciously twisted and shot through with a vein of humour that’s as dark as hell. Cleave creates fictional monsters as chilling and as charming as any I’ve ever come across. Anyone who likes their crime fiction on the black and bloody side should move Paul Cleave straight to the top of their must-read list.”

Mark Billingham

Paul Cleave is the author of the Christchurch Noir-series which includes books from Theodore Tate’s point of view, and Joe Middleton. All the novels take place in the same city but where Theodore Tate is a private detective who solves crimes, Joe is the serial killer, who performs them… These shifting point of views are just one of the many reasons why these novels are so popular amongs readers.

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