The Legend of the Ice People cover image

The Legend of the Ice People 

The Legend of the Ice People (Sagaen om isfolket) is a story written in 47 volumes by Margit Sandemo, with two spinoff series: Häxmästaren, which spans 15 books and Legenden om ljusets rike, which spans 20 books. The story primarily focuses on the bloodline of the ice people living in Scandinavia and puts heavy emphasis on the romantic relations between the characters. The story is generally a mix of fantasy and historical elements. 

The plot revolves around the descendants of Tengel the Evil who sold his soul to the devil and thus, cursed his bloodline with his evil, magical abilities which one person in each generation will inherit. Whether they will use these powers for good or evil is up to them.

Jentas has published The Legend of the Ice People in Danish, Swedish, Finnish, English, Icelandic, German and Spanish. All of them are published digitally, some in print, and all except Icelandic are available as audiobook too
In Danish we have published all of Sandemo’s series: De sorte riddere, Heksemesteren, Kiara’s saga, lysets rige, troldruner and Sandemoserien.